Database query

Type in the file name, MD5 or SHA1 checksum.
E.g. srvnet.dll, GDI32,

Definition File Whitelist:

Describes a method in information technology to define a list of trusted and clean files. Everything that is not on a trusted whitelist has to be considered as untrusted and possible unsafe. Untrusted files need much effort for analyze whether they are a security threat or safe.

Search result for "Bootres":

1. bootres.dll (bootres) from Windows 10 Microsoft Windows, Bibliothek fr Startressourcen Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Machine: x64, NT Win32, Windows CUI Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2015-07-10 13:00:00
File size:  19.296 Byte
MD5:        472AA0544983DA3EE2725B4A87C3F95D
SHA1:      548F0FD3CE97F500147D50C06F175357CBF9A98C
SHA256:  7B1A3089231264563E01D64F3C878662EEBE1FF872FCDDC0D5006216706C86F5

Dependencies: no dependencies

2. bootres.dll (bootres) from Windows 8.1 Microsoft Corporation, Boot Resource Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2013-08-22 14:55:00
File size:  18.272 Byte
MD5:        F3D2263A41F8A6F1A9A911CFE26F9CF1
SHA1:      C80FBF5F016260C9B22DB1678065234AE50E7FDB
SHA256:  FDC669DEC80F5CD123E1DFB2A35379655270A1FE582C30F9839E5A6EBCF0FE3B

Dependencies: no dependencies

3. bootres.dll (bootres) from Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation, Boot Resource Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2009-07-14 03:52:00
File size:  2.217.552 Byte
MD5:        B68007752A673E86AC4D41DF200C3742
SHA1:      552A3F5D599F740D9FABFDEB17D572F6A880BEB8
SHA256:  FB245AA9BB0A2122252BF3B5E75D5F29F52C1B29A74F08F4ECFCD005A25662D2

Dependencies: no dependencies

4. bootres.dll (bootres) from Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation, Boot Resource Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2009-07-14 03:26:00
File size:  2.217.536 Byte
MD5:        A03FED2C2A186EAA7DD43900CDCFA3AB
SHA1:      A438982C1FCB3E75D6E62D29A6688AA700B7CB07
SHA256:  912F8F22F73BA59CD206BD4B9071E41CB53645EE0BEE20B15757483C75382686

Dependencies: no dependencies

4 entries found for "Bootres" in this database.

This free whitelisting service contains hashes of clean files from original sources of the ventors only. The database covers Microsoft DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and common applications from major ventors. Many details are shown, e.g. the file name, file size, operating system, file dependencies, MD5 checksum, SHA1 checksum and other file characteristics.

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