Database query

Type in the file name, MD5 or SHA1 checksum.
E.g. srvnet.dll, GDI32,

Definition File Whitelist:

Describes a method in information technology to define a list of trusted and clean files. Everything that is not on a trusted whitelist has to be considered as untrusted and possible unsafe. Untrusted files need much effort for analyze whether they are a security threat or safe.

Search result for "sdstor.sys":

1. sdstor.sys (sdstor.sys.mui) from Windows 10 Microsoft Windows, SFF-Speicherklassentreiber Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Machine: x64, n/a, Native Interface, n/a Language, n/a Charset

Last modified: 2015-07-10 12:59:00
File size:  92.512 Byte
MD5:        F4BF50A7D16A97A887BFA0F193693C42
SHA1:      5D3C6F880D51B5EA63CB8F669AB42CA3A58A7338
SHA256:  EEBF5AAC149C72F490BAC954B25BB6882B10FC38F93CA4F4829A06702B1ECEF9

Dependencies: ntoskrnl.exe HAL.dll

2. sdstor.sys from Windows Vista Microsoft Corporation, SD Storage Class Driver Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 2013-08-22 14:55:00
File size:  23.040 Byte
MD5:        4EAF4DCF9DBD9A56952A58F56D61C005
SHA256:  BCA42FD1553569D3603008CC97D88FD309E87F8A8B1522A4287A0E81CAE6C294

Dependencies: secdrv.sys ntoskrnl.exe

3. sdstor.sys from Windows 8 Microsoft Corporation, SD Storage Class Driver Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2012-09-20 08:58:00
File size:  23.040 Byte
MD5:        ED16300D9D2E9835AEBEBF79188947A0
SHA1:      3AE380398AC8B2BA350863BF4B835946EFA288EC
SHA256:  F585D0D82D67751DF3EA98FCA71E6203467ABDE5EB175D7C0D8E7A715CBC5042

Dependencies: serenum.sys ntoskrnl.exe

4. sdstor.sys from Windows Vista Microsoft Corporation, SD Storage Class Driver Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 2012-09-20 08:51:00
File size:  23.040 Byte
MD5:        74369A913837FB46C3B27373DA2ADF4E
SHA1:      3B2AA15CB089DAE9048EEE96219D3373C6F06FBD
SHA256:  30CB6AD90520D410D914C5D654C8838DF13B2FC850EB7F0BFB2B937F9BC14E2E

Dependencies: secdrv.sys ntoskrnl.exe

4 entries found for "sdstor.sys" in this database.

This free whitelisting service contains hashes of clean files from original sources of the ventors only. The database covers Microsoft DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and common applications from major ventors. Many details are shown, e.g. the file name, file size, operating system, file dependencies, MD5 checksum, SHA1 checksum and other file characteristics.

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